Scots College


With 270 hungry students to serve in 15 minutes three times a day, there’s never a dull moment for the Trippas White Group team at Scots College in Bellevue Hill. Time is of the essence, as the students are on a tight schedule so the kitchen needs to have the food ready when they are. What’s more, they need a lot of it, as Head Chef Damon says, “They eat a lot of food”.

To help feed more mouths faster, the team looked at what equipment could help make their existing kitchen more efficient and consistent. Having already installed Garland ranges, RATIONAL SelfCookineCenter® units and a Tecnomac Blast Chiller, Head Chef Damon looked at VarioCookingCenter® units from RATIONAL and was blown away by what these pieces of equipment could do.

Since installing, the results and impact have been dramatic according to Head Chef Damon Spooner and Sous Chef Tim Kleinmann.

Spaghetti Bolognese is a favourite of the students and now with the FRIMA up to 40kg of mince can be used to prepare a Bolognese sauce in 15 minutes rather than 90 minutes it used to take in a bratt pan. Plus with the even heat and accurate temperature control of the unit, Tim has confidence the sauce won’t stick to the base or burn. As for pasta, 16kg can be cooked unattended in 14 minutes saving up to another 40 minutes waiting for brat pans to boil to blanch pasta.

Chicken schnitzel is a favourite for dinner, with 300 cooked chicken breast schnitzels cooked and cooled down in the Tecnomac blast chiller during down time. Later they are run through a RATIONAL Finishing® program so they are crisp and moist for service.

According to Damon and Tim, RATIONAL and Tecnomac work hand in hand to deliver a smart solution for high volume production and improved efficiency for the kitchen at The Scots College.

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