Hollywood Private Hospital


Since being acquired by Ramsay Health Care, Hollywood Private Hospital has continued to develop and enhance its infrastructure and facilities, recently investing over $70 million in major infrastructure developments at the hospital. The centrepiece of this development is a new wing which houses six additional state-of-the-art operating theatres, three new 30 bed wards and a $1 million new kitchen to support the production of over 2,000 meals each day.

Complete with  7 RATIONAL SelfCookingCenter® combi ovens, 4 RATIONAL VarioCookingCentre® units,  5 Cleveland kettles, 3 Frymaster fryers, an impressive line-up of Cambro Camshelving  and  custom made Comenda flight commercial dishwasher (the largest of its kind in  Australia), Catering Manager Peter Trusler is confident that the new kitchen is well equipped to support this fast-paced, busy hospital.

“The new efficiencies in the kitchen will allow us to streamline our staff, cooking and production processes. The hospital is growing in bed capacity and the technology in the kitchen will allow the output to support this without increasing our staffing numbers,” said Peter.

Comcater Western Regional Sale Manager Clive Gilbert worked closely with the team at Hollywood Hospital during the planning and implementation of the new kitchen.

“We introduced some of the options available from Comenda to improve current operations and effectively reduce the large running cost associated with ware washing,” said Clive.  “The Flight dishwasher solution (which washes for 600 people three times a day) includes some really unique features which the hospital was very keen to introduce into their operation.”

The Comenda Flight dishwasher provides a heat recovery and heat pump which ensures all the energy inside the machine is being captured to heat the incoming water, eliminating the need for any additional costly extraction canopy. The double twin dryers ensure all the items including plastic items are fully dried inside the machine, enabling them to be stacked as soon as they come out.

“Safety, ease of use and versatility were some of the determining factors we needed to consider when fitting out our new kitchen. The RATIONAL VarioCookingCentre® ticked all these boxes, and since the installation of our four units, I have only received positive feedback from our chefs.  The use of our kettles is now minimal, as it’s more convenient to do all these tasks as well as traditional Bratt pan cooking processes in the VCC,” said Hollywood Catering Manager Peter.

Hollywood Hospital is committed to innovation and growth in order to deliver the highest quality of care and service to patients there is no doubt that their new kitchen facilities will definitely support their quest.